Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The group on Facebook is now 9 people, so that is really exciting! I can't wait to finally meet all these people, and I've also learned that the whole trip is full, meaning we have 50 people going! The more I talk about it, the more excited I get.

Dad ordered my shoes for the trip, great walking shoes apparently. I'll get to see them on Saturday when I get to Florida. I had to pack up from my dorm room and go to Mom's today, so hopefully I didn't forget anything important!! I grabbed my passport, and ID as well as my 2 cameras and chargers. I'm getting a Kindle on Friday, and I'm sooo excited! I'll have something to keep me busy while on the plane/train/bus while on the trip!

Two weeks ago I hurt my foot at work, I came down on it wrong while goofing off with Randi and Charity, but since I was working the whole 2 weeks I didn't have time to get it checked out. I went this past Monday to the athletic training room on campus and Flick (who is amazing by the way) has me doing a hot soak, a few exercises, a few stretches and a good tape job daily and he said by the time all the tape he gave me is gone I should be all healed up. Apparently it's the tendon that I pulled on the outside of my left foot. No fun! But it's getting better and should be 100% by the time I leave for the trip, thank goodness!!

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