Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Day 2

We joined the two on the two block walk to the Contiki basement from the tube station. Where we checked our luggage and sent out emails to everyone at home. We bought tickets to the Original Bus Tour. Took the blue bus to a stop in Piccadilly Circus (aka circle) where the 4 of us found lunch at the Imperial. I had fish and chips with bottled water! Our two new friends are a brother and sister from California! After lunch we caught the yellow bus tour where we took tons of pictures then got off at the London Eye. They had tickets so we headed back on the bus to finish out the tour. Amanda fell asleep during it, and my camera died. So I took hers while she was asleep. After that was over I grabbed a coffee from Starbucks and we headed back. The coffee was disgusting. Even Starbucks!!! It was watery... We ran into 4 girls on another Contiki tour on the bus back to the hotel they left a few days after us. Once back in the room I showered and then it was time for our 7pm meeting. We got our info and met Erin and Liz from Connecticut, Luke from Australia and Katie from Virginia who I met and talked to on Facebook beforehand. We went to the pub next door to the hotel for diner and they got drinks. I had a southern fried chicken burger... aka burned chicken lol We hung out there til about 9 then went to the room. After 10pm we went to bed. *

*info left out... :P

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear there were some people from your face book group on your tour. Enjoy your adventures.Looking foward to moare stories. Love you Melanie.
    PS you don't have to leave out the juicy details
