Sunday, July 17, 2011


Day 6 - Berlin

Mom's Birthday!! Up early for the walking tour. Learned a lot about the history of Berlin. Afterward Amanda, Gabby, Katie, Bo-ra, Jenny and Michelle went with me to go shopping aka get a new camera since mine is screwing up. Ate bread with Edam cheese at a place called Oasis then we went to go shopping. Turns out everything is closed on Sundays. I got really upset. Called Dad to let him know about the bad luck and I got really excited cause I saw a Dunkin' Donuts... got a 3/4 filled Iced Mocha that tasted like water and what I thought was a giant brownie ball. Nope, it was a rum ball and I got buzzed just from the giant bite I took of it. Then we retraced our steps of the walking tour (Holocaust memorial was absolutely incredible. Do depressing.) cause Amanda wanted to find a CD for Brian and we had passed a music store. Wandered our way through the Underground trams (wrong day for wearing a skirt!! I am pretty sure I flashed quite a few people), got back hung around the quad where they had about 6 bunnies just chilling there!! Wasn't really hungry for dinner. Got ready and went for the Eye-Spy tour. It was pouring so bad that we kind of canceled the whole Stazi part of it and just hung out at the bars instead. Had a white wine (gross, so I handed it off to Sarah) at the first one. Met Aaron, Andy's friend, spent a lot of time with the two of them, Gabby, Amanda and Katie. At the second bar I had a B-52 shot, YUM! Hung out with all them plus Tom and Toli. After a while the guide of the tour gave us pretzels and sent us off on the Underground back to the hostel. Went to the club called Matrix for a little bit, Chantelle got in trouble for turning up the music at the abandoned sound board so we all mixed in with the big group. Stayed for a little while with Katie then headed back to go to bed.

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